Who We are
Farmer support Studies (FSS) is an organization of farmers, Linking farmers to knowledge, where farmers educate other farmers. This is where farmers help others to learn improved farming practices in farmer-friendly settings. Farmers know so much about their practice and industry that sometimes outsiders who come to try and educate them, miss the point if they do not take time to listen to the farmers.
At Farmer Support Studies, we connect farmers to learning opportunities, where they learn directly from other farmers. When farmers educate other farmers, they learn best. This is often because the farmers have similar experiences and can relate to the challenges of other farmers. To learn more about FSS and to join this noble cause, contact us at admin@admin
Our Vision
Knowledgeable farmers effectively contribute to global food security and economic development.
Linking farmers to opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing, and enhanced profitability
Scope of work
- Research
Supporting Farmer-led research, which informs local and national farming practices and policies, enabling farmers to generate contextually appropriate solutions that enhance their effectiveness and profitability. FSS also works to connect farmers to other research findings and recommendations from within and without to improve their understanding of specific situations and opportunities.
Linking farmers to knowledge through Exchange Visits, Training and Capacity Building
FSS organizes capacity building and training activities where farmers share knowledge among themselves (farmers educating farmers), and where professionals in specific fields train and educate respective farmers/ farmer groups/ cooperators to improve their skills in relevant areas of production. FSS also organizes exchange visits through which farmers travel to farms within the country and outside of the country to learn from other farmers, with the objective of returning to their respective farms to implement improvements.
Linking farmers to knowledge through Enhancing Professional management of agricultural resources
FSS accomplishes this through three major approaches:
- Many farmers do not regard their farms as firms. Consequently, one of the under developed areas in agricultural development is management. FSS has developed management training programs specifically tailored for farmers. We categorize farmers into small scale farmers, medium level farmers (farmers with between 10 and 30 hectares, producing for family consumption and the market), and large scale or commercial farmers. We teach farmers according to their context appropriate knowledge needs.
- Farmers who may choose, can ask FSS to help manage their farms. In this regard, FSS will identify competent managers, to contribute to the professionalization of agriculture
- Managing agricultural development resources on behalf of organizations and companies, which would like to support agriculture related activities. This includes managing sub-grantees to ensure effective and efficient utilization of donor resources. On behalf of funding agencies in and out of the country, the organization manages the funds for grass root farmer organizations and cooperatives to increase monitoring and transparency. It also helps funding agencies to evaluate fitting organizations to receive funds. Then supports the follow and reports to the funding agencies.
Linking farmers to knowledge through Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluating programs on behalf of clients as and when appropriate. FSS conducts operational audits, to establish value for money. FSS also conducts organizational audits to establish the appropriateness of policies and processes. This supports the development of cost-effective and efficient farm operations.
Linking farmers to knowledge through Student internships and Fellowships
FSS coordinates with universities and institutions of higher learning to place students on farms, where they can advance their farming knowledge. Students who sign up for an internship or fellowship with FSS will be placed on farms, where they can enhance their interest in farming. FSS actively seeks to build connections with universities in Uganda and outside of Uganda, to enhance mutual learning. At the same time, FSS seeks to connect university students from outside of Uganda to Ugandan farms where they can learn from the farmers while sharing their own knowledge and experiences.
In this regard, Ugandan farmers can go and learn from other farmers, while other farmers can also come and learn from Ugandan farmers. Similarly, farmers from one region of Uganda can also travel to other regions to learn from their counterparts.